Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Defender Online

In Defense of The Defender Online
 I have been following the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, Inc.'s 'The Defender Online", offering a ray of search tags and blogs for sites that support the causes of freedom and justice for all.  The Defender Online suddenly began to appear in my email box as an email newsletter.  Although I did not read it every single time it appeared, it became like an old friend, an old pair of house slippers, a comfort to know that someone is still fighting the fight of good faith.  One thing that I observe is that in the 21st century, we now have taken the fight for freedom and justice for all from the streets to computer systems.  That may not be a bad thing, as the Internet, the World Wide Web now connects us in ways that 'who knew' we would be connected, across the oceans, around the globe and back again. 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Childhood Obesity, Nutritional Deficiencies, Lack of Adequate Exercise and Poor Academic Performance Link Study Needed in Illinois

  In the state of Illinois, there are 740,200 children ages 18 and under living in poverty (State Health Facts, 2008). In Springfield School District 186 located in Sangamon County, 62.9% of its students are low income as reported as participants in the free and reduced lunch program (Illinois Interactive Report Card, 2009). Academically, the district does not meet the Annual Yearly Progress standard for its students in reading and mathematics, due to low student test scores. We therefore hypothesize that with the greater portion of its students living in poverty and all that poverty entails: poor nutrition, poor diet habits, lack of money for nutritious foods, lack of access to nutritious foods, that there is a link between poor nutrition and poor academic performance
          The importance of studying the link between childhood obesity and learning would be to establish interventions that could be replicated. Interventions such as an education and training component using such tools as the Internet and blogging, launching nutrition and cooking classes; the establishment of school fruit and vegetable gardens, having access to fresh fruits and vegetables; and the instituting of in-class physical activity for all students.=================================================
Let's Move.Gov - A nationwide initiative to promote making healthy choices, improving food quality in schools, increasing access to healthy, affordable food, and increasing ...
Learn the Facts About the Epidemic of Childhood Obesity - Over the past three decades, childhood obesity rates in America have tripled ...